Friday, January 6, 2012


Pinterest. OH. MY. GOD. Since my discovery of Pinterest, life has never been the same. Although I have actually been making things from Pinterest I feel overwhelmed with all the ideas!!!! I have made my own laundry soap, household cleaners, and lotion. I have a recipe for soap but I can't find glycerin (any help with that is much appreciated.) I also just found a recipe for toothpaste tonight! Knowing about my addiction, my sister bought me a book for Christmas called Design Sponge. Clearly it is evident I am behind in the blog world (I mean come on, 13 posts since 2008. Not exactly the best blogger here.) so many of you have probably heard of this book since it started with someones blog. Anyway, I was looking through the book and saw the Spool Library Table and I fell hard. It is so difficult to find a well built bookshelf and I am a big fan of multi-purpose things. Table bookshelf will be mine! Craigslist yielded me no luck on a spool, so I sent an email to my brother since I figured he would be good at getting an item like a cable spool. Though I figured he would find me one, I didn't expect that 15 minutes later I would get an email back saying, "I have TONS of those! What size do you want?" SCORE!!!! So I have a 21 inch high 31 inch diameter cable spool coming my way! I am stoked. I am not a huge fan of painted wood, so I am hoping I can stain it. Hopefully I will get a picture of my finished product on here before the end of the year. Since it is only January I think I can do it! :)

1 comment:

Amy S said...

I am glad you like the book. It looked very cool when I checked it out of the library. Is this the spool table you are talking about?

leave it to mike to find one ASAP